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Son Behold Thy Mother

This week is special.  My mother was born in 1932 on February 21, in Union Ohio.  My grandparents were in the process of leaving Chicago because of the great depression.  My grandfather, Finn, had heard of jobs in the South and left Chicago even though all his family was still there.  Although there was work, the pay was bad, and it was hard times all around.  In 1937, the Ohio River flooded and displaced thousands of people.  My grandfather and grandmother decided to stay and earn money in the clean-up of the flood-stricken area, but sent my mom, Barbra, to Sioux City Iowa to stay with my great Aunt Goodren for the summer.  “Goodie” had married a doctor and was living quite well for the time.  My mom was treated like a queen and came home when things got back to normal.

After the flood, my grandfather moved the family to Owensboro Kentucky.  He lived there until he died in 1949, of leukemia.  My grandmother lost the love of her life and entered the workforce with the burden of caring for 2 girls.  Fortunately, my mother’s sister Ann, was soon married to Jack Wild.  They left for Kansas where he was accepted into the doctoral program for engineering.  My mother graduated high school, broke up with her boyfriend, and headed to Kansas to start a new life in college as a music major at K.U. 

College never happened for my mom.  She put off college for a year while she worked and earned money.  The war had ended, and our country was in a boom economy.  The Hercules munition company had a plant outside Lawrence Kansas and many young people were flocking there for good-paying jobs.  My dad, a student at K.U., was already working at the Hercules plant and he and a friend were at the front gate, looking over the new hires. As guys do, they commented on all the pretty new girls coming in.  My dad saw Barbra and commented, “Sylvan, that’s the girl I’m going to marry.”  He made no haste in asking her out.  Their first date was in February and the following August they were married.  My grandmother was a recent widow.  Barbara was her youngest and the daughter she felt closest to.  Granny Monie loved my dad like a son, and he loved her like a second mom.  There wasn’t much my dad wouldn’t do for her and the feeling was mutual.  Although my grandmother married again, it never dimmed the admiration and love she had for my dad.  When her second husband, Brownie, died of cancer in 1970, my dad moved Grannie to Peculiar to be close.  Grannie was ever present in our lives until she passed away at the age of 92.

Jesus knew the importance of caring for his mother.  As the eldest son, it was his responsibility to care for her needs, especially in her old age.  There was a group of women around the cross and Jesus’ mother and aunt were among those women.  John records the discourse between Jesus, Mary, and John.  John 19:25-27

King James Version

25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.

26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.

Despite the pain and excruciating suffering that Jesus was going through, He took time and precious energy to take care of His mother.  The Bible says that John took Mary into his home and took care of her until the day she died.

Satan wants to trick us with his lies.  One of his finest is to tell us that we are not important to God in the scheme of things.  Our problems are difficult or impossible for us, however, God has so much on His plate.  What are my fears, doubts, and physical limitations to Him?  However, like all lies there is a bit of truth to that statement.  The overwhelming truth is that God’s word tells us that not a hair on our head is unaccounted for.  We can cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us.  He proved it with the thief on the cross, He proved it with His mother, He proves it every day in our lives.

Don’t doubt the Father’s love for you.  God cares, He sent Jesus!

