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I Am Thirsty!

John 19:28 John 19:28

The Finished Work of Jesus

28 After this, when Jesus knew that everything was now accomplished that the Scripture might be fulfilled, He said, “I’m thirsty!”


Did you know that one of the reasons marathon runners drink during a race is to prevent heat stroke?

Why would a marathon runner become disoriented during the race then go into a coma shortly after running the race?

Heat stroke is one potential cause—when you run hard, your body generates a large amount of heat, and if you can't get rid of it effectively, this will result in an abnormally high body temperature. This in turn causes massive, body-wide problems, which manifest as confusion, dizziness, vomiting, and collapse.

Jesus’ fifth word from the cross was, “I am thirsty!”  After speaking three times to the needs of others and a fourth time speaking of His great sense of being alone in His torment and pain, Jesus speaks yet again.  Although He was very close to the end, He had not yet crossed the finish line.  His body was almost gone, but He had to coax it over the goal.  When I was young there were times that the old clunkers, we drove gave out just before we got home or to the gas station.  I remember distinctly, the times my dad would pull the car out of gear so it would coast, using less gas, and often we pulled up to the gas pump right as the car died.

I’m not a Biblical scholar and I do not mean to trivialize our Lord’s labors, but at this point, His body had endured the brunt of the beatings and torture, and though His mind and spirit were still strong His earthy shell was wearing out.  He needed just a bit to shock his senses back. He had to have enough physical strength to cry out, “it is finished” and then to return His life to the Father.

I am thirsty.  A very common daily need, and most of us take that for granted.  We drink because we know we should, but rarely do we drink because we are thirsty. Our bodies run best when we have 8-12 glasses a day. Hydration was not on His mind that day.  Yet in the end, He felt a strong urge to hydrate.  If you are ever tempted to believe that Jesus was able to endure the cross because He was God, remember the fifth word.  Jesus was all God trapped in a body of flesh.  Yet despite His God-ness, He did not overlook the needs of His earthen vessel.  He gave it just what it needed. 

Jesus knows what you are going through, He knows what you need more than you possibly can.  Just as He was able to coax this earthly shell across the finish line, He can get you across yours.  Trust in Him today.  He is standing beside you with His hand on your shoulder.

