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 Hope that Doesn’t Disappoint

In my very short life of 66 years, I have experienced a fair share of disappointments.  I remember my college professor trying to explain what a deceptive cadence is like to the listener, Mr. Lakin said: “it is like when you have your mouth set on ice cream, you look at the bowl, it looks like ice cream, you think you can smell it, and your mouth is ready to taste it.  You dig in and put the spoon in your mouth only then discover it is not ice cream but mashed potatoes.”

That illustration has stayed with me and has been true for music theory and most of life. Time after time we falsely read the circumstances and end up with a mouth full of mashed potatoes.  Maybe at work, we set ourselves up to think we are getting a raise, but we receive a reprimand instead, or we are confident we are getting an A on a test but when the test comes back it says “F”.  No matter what area of life you talk about there is always that funny or not so funny twist that can easily set us into a tailspin.   

Romans 5 KJV

1Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.


There have been times in my life when despite the swift turn of events I was not disappointed.  When I was at my first church out of seminary, I planned an easter musical to the nth degree.  I charted rehearsals, and what songs would be learned by this or that date, I planned sets, costumes, and orchestra, and even made a list of church members who would participate.  I remember being very disappointed when I began making my phone calls to ask people to participate and getting numerous negative responses.  I had prayed earnestly over this situation and was confident in my choices.  Regardless, I carried on and found people willing to participate, many of whom I was surprised with their participation. The musical was amazing and there were salvations and people who joined the church due to  the efforts of many.


A few days later, after all the hubbub I was in my office, and I felt the Lord speaking to me.  You see, I was looking over my original lists of who would do this, that and the other, comparing that list with the actual program.  Everything on my original list that needed to be done was done.  I had sound, lights, programs, advertising, orchestra, actors, choir; need I go one? As I compared the program with the result, I noticed that very few of the people I had selected were in the program.  Everything was done, but it wasn’t done my way.  God did it.  At that moment I was overcome with a flood of emotion and a less was learned.  When we do it in God’s way, we are all thrilled with the result, but we don’t have any regrets.  I began writing thank you notes and continued to finish them with great joy. 


Maybe you are in a situation where you are struggling with helping God figure out your job, your children, your spouse, or your life in general.  It might be that God doesn’t really need or appreciate your choices.  If we commit everything we do to Him and trust Him, He will help us.  Not only will He help us but all that He has promised will get done and it will not be a disappointment.


