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Happy July 4th, Independence Day

I have had many enjoyable July 4th celebrations in my lifetime. Most of them involved a picnic or cook-out or some combination of the two. There were always fireworks.  Sometimes we raided the local fireworks tent and tried to burn down the neighborhood. Sometimes we would pile into the car and go to a public display.  Our favorite display was at the University of Kansas stadium in Lawrence, KS.  My parents met in Lawrence and the four oldest children were born in that city, (Shari, Mickey, Marty(me), and Monty. 

Whether we stayed at home or piled into the car and traveled we had a great time with family and friends.  We made time to express our gratitude to God for blessing us with such a great country. A country founded on the principles of liberty and justice for all.  A country where we could worship God as we were led and give honor to God by living exemplary lives that blessed our fellowman and honored God.

This July Fourth, take a moment to thank God for His blessings, for this country, and for those men and women who have led exemplary lives and made great personal sacrifices so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have.  It is also a wonderful time to look inward and see if there remains in us, something that we can do for our country and fellowman.

Pray for us as we celebrate this July 4th in Italy.  Eat some watermelon and grill a hotdog for us.

