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Be Careful Where You Walk

Psalm 1:1-3

1 Blessed is the person who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!

2 But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, And on His Law he meditates day and night.

3 He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season,

And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.


Psalm 1 has been a favorite of mine for many years.  1991 I was called to the First Baptist Church of Wellington, FL.  During that time a men’s Bible Study and accountability group was started.  The first and most prominent scripture that we delved into was Psalm 1.  For months, we would struggle to rewrite the psalm in our own words.  The goal was to find something each week that was a different insight than what the Lord had given us the previous week.  It was exhausting and at the same time exhilarating.  God did indeed give us new insights into His Word, and I began to see firsthand how the Word of God is living and active. 

How all these many years later, God is still giving me insights into this scripture.  From the standpoint of a seasoned veteran of music ministry I have had the opportunity to experience the truths and benefits of this psalm.  First of all the Psalmist warns the reader not to walk in the counsel of the wicked.  As I think about that phrase, my mind goes to the times before the modern convenience of cars, bicycles, segues, airplanes etc.  Walking was the preferred mode of transportation for most.  To be sure and donkey or horse could be used for greater distance or speed, but for everyday needs one would walk to their destination.  I imagine that if you were walking that others would be going the same way.  Seeing a familiar face, you might run a bit and catch up with your friends and to make the time go by start a conversation.  Soon, it becomes evident that the conversation your companions want to have is not one that you want to be a part of.  It might be crude or vile. The conversation might be negative and draining, or maybe it's making fun of people in a way that is belittling. In any respect, you must make a choice. Do you choose to join in on the fun and add a little more spice to the conversation, you know, get a few laughs at someone else’s expense or do you look for a way to bow out gracefully?  Your mind races for an answer to your situation: maybe a broken strap on your sandal, a rock in your shoe, or you forgot something at home.  What do you do?

Or maybe you’re in a dilemma.  You found out that your boss is cooking the books, or you have an adult child who is going in a direction that will not end well, or maybe you’re thinking that your marriage is on the rocks, what do you do and who do you turn to?  If you go to any bookstore, it seems that there is an inexhaustible number of self-help books that promise to help you find your “true north” or put the blame for your problem firmly in someone else’s court.  Psalm 1 warns us to be careful who we take advice from.  “Don’t take the counsel of the wicked”.  That causes us to pause.  “Who is the wicked?” is the question that must be asked.  For me, it comes down to the end result.  The only advice that is truly good and right is the one with eternal results.  The world may say, “Don’t worry about your bosses’ doings” or “Accept whatever life choice your child makes”. It is a true dilemma.  We live in an age when upsetting the applecart is not acceptable.  Saying “no” or not in my house is freakishly old fashioned.  So what is the benefit?

Walking, standing and sitting with evil and wickedness will only result in death.  But the one who meditates in God’s Word, day and night will be like a tree planted by the water which yields its fruit in its season and it’s leaf does not wither.  Meditating on God’s word may not make you any friends, but it will bring fruitfulness. Recently, a friend from High School just lost her father.  He was a man who had planted his life firmly in the little community of Peculiar Missouri.  He was a faithful member of the community, strong school supporter, successful businessman, and devout Baptist and Christian.  His family was well respected.  His children were very successful in their endeavors.  He had a daughter who was in school with me.  Upon graduation from college, she and her husband have raised four children who are now raising children of their own.  She is a well-known speaker at Christian women’s events in the Kansas City Area.  Recently she went on a mission trip with her grandchildren. The legacy of this man, who was planted by streams of waters has continued to bear fruit for three generations with more on the horizon. 

God’s Word is true.  If only our world would see and believe.  Maybe they are just waiting to see how you and I will act.  Where you walk, stand and sit makes a difference.  Who you walk, stand and sit with matters.  The advice you give and receive matters.  Let me encourage you today, to be planted by streams of water.  Go today, and bear fruit.

