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September 5, 2024

The Right Stuff

1 Timothy 4:7-9  NASB

But stay away from worthless stories that are typical of old women. Rather, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; 8for bodily training is just slightly beneficial, but godliness is beneficial for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance.

The Movie “The Right Stuff” is a cinematic ode to those men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting this great nation.  It’s one of those movies that tries to send the moviegoer out cheering and applauding.  Those men and women would not deserve our admiration if they were flipping burgers and smoking pot. That’s another movie genre entirely.  Rather, it's the dedication, sweat equity, perseverance, and strength of body and character that makes the movie laudable and inspiring.   

I doubt there will ever be a movie about my physical prowess. Just saying.  I participated in sports as a youth and have had nods to working out and being physically fit as an adult.  Baseball was the first team sport I played.  I didn’t hit the ball with any power until I had played baseball for about 4 or 5 years.  I started in first grade and hit the ball hard when I was in fourth or fifth grade.  My dad was our coach and when I connected with the ball, he let out such a hoop as did the other coach.  No one expected that from me, especially me.  That was a hurdle I would never have overcome if I had been allowed to quit.  I never became a great player, but I always enjoyed baseball afterward.

I played football and wrestled in high school.  I didn’t do both every year, I alternated, football, wrestling etc.  Wrestling was a winter sport.  I could have done both but I was not committed to either one, to put it mildly.  Football had 3 per-day practices when it began in August.  If you made it through that regimen, you generally made the team in some form. My position was holding down the bench and praying I wasn’t called to go in.   Wrestling was more work but less stressful if that makes sense. I enjoyed the running, endless running, and the calisthenics.  I never really mastered the moves of a wrestler, but I did win a match, again to everyone’s surprise. 

All of this is to confirm the scripture above.  While I did learn many lessons from the team and individual sports that have shaped and given me confidence those lessons cannot compare to the lessons learned through spiritual discipline.  Prayer, Bible Study, Fasting, Fellowship with God’s people in corporate worship and study, and witnessing to the lost are far more beneficial to the Christian and his walk.  Most people don’t mess up in the big things first.  We tend to neglect the little things like Bible Study and Prayer until we simply don’t have the inner resources to accomplish the big thing that God has for us to do.  This blog is simply a reminder to stick to the little things.  Be Faithful in the least.  Proverbs says, “He who is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much!” That’s God’s plan for you and for me.  So let’s get back to it.

