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Leviticus 19:14

You shall not curse a person who is deaf, nor put a stumbling block before a person who is blind, but you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.

The Bible has quite a bit to say about stumbling blocks.  The Bible fiercely warns against being a stumbling block, the Bible says that God sends stumbling blocks and the Bible states that stumbling blocks will come.  Jesus warned that it is better for a person who is a stumbling block to have a millstone tied around their neck and be tossed into the ocean than to be a stumbling block to one of these little ones.

The question then becomes, what is a stumbling block? Who are the stumbling blocks? How can I keep myself from being a stumbling block?  The answers are straightforward.  I am a stumbling block, I have been a stumbling block, and I can stop being a stumbling block.

Wow!  How can I have been a stumbling block? That’s a sobering thought. If you have ever been tempted to do something you were sure was wrong, you have experienced a stumbling block.  If you have ever encouraged someone to participate in something the Bible says is wrong, you have been a stumbling block.  I remember my mother telling me she was on a diet and then going ahead with plans to make chocolate chip cookies.  I was helping her in the kitchen when I remember asking her about “the diet”.  She gave me a wink and a smile as if to say,” I’m starting right after this cookie!”  Was my mom a stumbling block? I have had a lifelong struggle with weight and with harmful attitudes towards food.  My mother certainly didn’t mean to pass along her struggles and I don’t blame her for my choices, but did she contribute to my struggles? 

My dad was a very intelligent man.  He could see almost immediately the solution to any problem.  While he had that wonderful ability, he, however, lacked patience and a soothing calm to help others get to the same conclusion.  If you were working with him and a problem occurred he often responded with anger and frustration when you didn’t immediately see the same solution as him.  I have had a lifelong struggle with anger and frustration.  I was often a recipient of that anger and frustration, was my dad a stumbling block to me?  The truth is that I have made my own choices in that matter.  Sometimes I make good choices while other times I still struggle with my frustrations.  While my choices are my own have I been influenced by those choices my dad made?

We are all made new in Christ but there are still things in our lives that we hold on to.  Things from our past, from our childhood that are better left in the past. In truth, each of us has encountered thousands of people in the course of our lives.  We have made a mark in the lives of others.  Some we have helped along the way, others not so much.  For the Christian, we are made new.  The Devil has no power over us except what we willingly give him.  So why do we give the Devil so much ground in our life?

I heard a great statement this week. I was from a TV sermon by Dr. David Jeremiah.  He was telling a story about having lunch with a friend when this friend said something that clicked in the mind of Dr. Jeremiah.  His friend is a time management specialist who has a podcast. This friend of Dr. Jeremiah said something to the effect, “I don’t worry about managing my time to make everything happen smoothly today, I have started focusing on managing my time today to make tomorrow run smoothly!”  Dr. Jeremiah said that rocked his world about time management and has paid benefits even in the short time he has had that outlook.    

Taking a bigger view of my life is the very best way that I can change the patterns in my life that don’t honor God.  Yes, my freedom in Christ might allow me to say, do, or think such and such, however, If I choose those things what effect will my choices today have on the people I love, the people I encounter, or even myself tomorrow?  Sometimes we are so close to a breakthrough, but we give up and give in 1 minute too soon.

Made ya think, didn’t it?

Blessings on You this week as you take time to let God change your heart and life for His very best.
